Who all went out to Black Friday today? I went to WalMart and the local Exchange. Here is a video I took at the exchange. Kinda hard to tell anything, but I really wasn't supposed to record anything (I was concealing the camera). Any troubles you have?
I decided to try it this year for fun. Went to Best Buy at midnight and picked up a 250gb Xbox 360 for $180 and a $100 iTunes card for $80. Then I went over to Target for some things for the house on sale. Next was Bed Bath and Beyond for some good deals on K-cups. At 4am I went over to Sears for some deals on power tools. At 5am I made runs to The Home Depot, Lowes, Macy's and Rite Aid. Got me a nice leather coat from Macys for $99 marked down from $550.
I ended up getting home around 9am and slept the rest of the day

One thing I will say is that the majority of the people I chatted with were extremely nice. Glad I didn't run into any crazies.
Trying to go to Black Friday deals is like going on a suicide mission. People literally lose what remaining ounce of their minds they have left over things they could easily get online (sometimes better exclusive deals). Just like that lady I heard pepper sprayed 20 people including children in a Los Angeles Walmart and someone in NC shooting at a mall there. Sheesh, it's not that freakin' serious or necessary.
Walmarts are insane. I avoid them any day of the year!