Since the entire Congress of Stupidity has convened at the same time, I shall address you all:
Thunder, I'm not after you. Maybe your on too many painkillers.
Derek, if there's not currently a suitable thread, you could...CREATE ONE.
Mike, any forum (whether you know it or not) that has an OT section bigger than the rest of the forum is not doing well. The entire forum should have a steady flow of posts,not just the OT board. Thats why I'm trying to spread the wealth a little, so to speak. Additionally, no guest wants to join a forum where all the activity is confiined to one place. As I said to you earlier, this is stuff that you don't understand because your not running the place.
All: As I said to Mike, I'm saying this for a reason, even if you don't understand what it is. So please, quit arguing with me and just do as I'm asking you to do. I could never figure out why you all are so well behaved for Matt, but are obnoxious as hell here. If that doesn't change soon, there are going to be some major changes around here. And this isn't the first obnoxious episode from you all. I've had numerous issues with all three of you.