Seems I'm having the same problems as everybody else. I don't really get it much on big tests, but it's the little quizzes I have to worry about. I have many 40's and 50's because of test anxiety - I just blackout on all the info I know. I got an 80 on a spelling/vocab quiz because I blacked out on one answer, which consequently led to three others. My teachers are of no help, our principal is being a flake right now, and my mom has helped me as much as she can. I've been anxious and nervous for my whole life - I think I was born anxious (joke).
Aside from school, I'm excited to announce that tomorrow will officially be the opening of our winter division - taking the same place of the tropics. We are making a new subdomain (, as well. We so far have two forecasters (myself and Ben Appleby, the Office Coordinator of West Central ALWX). We're trying to recruit some people to write for different divisions, so that means we only need about three more people, considering we only are writing for the 48 State CONUS. If you are interested, email me here or here.
Finally, I have a new small emulation I'm announcing that will only be a one-time effort. Afterwards, I'm working on the big one for winter. Anyone have location suggestions or emulation ideas? I'll be accepting these until November 1.