My personal opinion is that that theory is 100% grade A bologna. If I were to go over to TWCC right now, the current TWC boards would be bustling. If that's the case, than so should it be here.
Actually, it isn't that active. I'd say it's about as active as this one right now.
Then what your telling me is that there have been NO posts? I find that just a tad hard to believe. That would certainly be a first. I've never seen it like that over there. 
There weren't NO posts here either
they've been both about the same
You don't make it a habit to read first do you Dan?

The fact that there are no posts here is the whole point of this conversation. The point is also that not once during my membership(s) over there did ever a day go by without posts. I don't contest that it might be slow over there too, but the claim that there have been NO posts over there is false. And to make sure we're all clear, I'm only talking about the five or so boards that fall under the 2000-Present heading. Not to be nasty, but I couldn't careless about the rest. Additionally, you guys spend alot more time over there then you do here, so I really doubt all that extra time is spent twiddling your thumbs. Bottom line: this site is evidently not as significant as TWCC to you guys. Which really ticks me off because I've really worked my ass off, only to watch my site continue to fall behind at its own game to a
classic TWC site.