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Author Topic: The Pot Belly Stove  (Read 1584284 times)

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Re: The Pot Belly Stove
« Reply #12735 on: September 26, 2011, 12:45:23 PM »
You'll never see any of this "demerit" stuff in college.  High school and elementary school simply teach you how to be a good and prepared student, and those habits should become second nature by the time you enter college as no one is going to remind you to attend class or bring all your supplies.  You'll be on your own at that point as you're an adult.  If you act up in a college, you'll find that security or the police will be called upon to take care of you!

Very true. In most cases, professors couldn't care less if you came in to class 5 minutes late, 30 minutes late, or skipped class altogether. I will say that some of my classes have attendance policies in which your average will drop a letter grade if you miss so many days of class.

But the most important thing to remember about college is that YOU are in control. No demerits, referrals, any of that. Disciplinary actions will either affect your grade or will involve a nice visit with the police if you decide to go to the extreme level such as drinking on campus.

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Re: The Pot Belly Stove
« Reply #12736 on: September 26, 2011, 02:01:42 PM »
That's true - the wonderful thing about college is that you're treated as an adult.  If you choose to make stupid decisions, it will affect you in the long run.  Your grades will suffer if you skip classes or don't do your homework.  If you choose to make stupid decisions that are also illegal, you'll have to deal with the police and potentially the courts, not to mention possibly being kicked out of school, losing all that money and time you've already invested.

But... no demerits for this, that, or the other, no one watching your every move... it's all up to you, for better or for worse.

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Re: The Pot Belly Stove
« Reply #12737 on: September 26, 2011, 04:44:21 PM »
Last year, one girl kept yacking so we got all of our bathroom privileges taken away.

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Re: The Pot Belly Stove
« Reply #12738 on: September 26, 2011, 06:31:18 PM »
School and discipline aside, I have fixed my warning feed on my Twitter and set up my room with fall decorations! Thank God I got the potpourri, it masked the grass smell in my fake moss which looks like I have weed all over my desk.

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Re: The Pot Belly Stove
« Reply #12739 on: September 26, 2011, 07:27:57 PM »
Last year, one girl kept yacking so we got all of our bathroom privileges taken away.

It's one thing when everyone gets punished because no one knows who the culprit is, but it's an entirely other deal (and completely unfair) when everyone gets punished when the culprit IS known.  Totally unfair and, in my opinion as a former teacher, totally uncalled for.

Offline Mr. Rainman

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Re: The Pot Belly Stove
« Reply #12740 on: September 26, 2011, 09:48:16 PM »
Changing to a much more serious note: we'll have to wait and see, but around Twitter there are unconfirmed reports that an Air France airplane has been hijacked on a flight from Hong Kong to Paris. It's not known if it's a radio error, but we're waiting for an official word.

EDIT: This is a perfect example of over-reaction to a Twitter post.  :hammer: Reports confirmed this was NOT a hijacking, but a regular old squawk code.
« Last Edit: September 26, 2011, 09:57:26 PM by plane852 »

Offline Austin M.

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Re: The Pot Belly Stove
« Reply #12741 on: September 26, 2011, 10:15:56 PM »
Last year, one girl kept yacking so we got all of our bathroom privileges taken away.

It's one thing when everyone gets punished because no one knows who the culprit is, but it's an entirely other deal (and completely unfair) when everyone gets punished when the culprit IS known.  Totally unfair and, in my opinion as a former teacher, totally uncalled for.

Do as the Marines do, RED ALERT - beat the holy living crap outta the one causing others to lose everything for no reason.

EDIT: This is a perfect example of over-reaction to a Twitter post.  :hammer: Reports confirmed this was NOT a hijacking, but a regular old squawk code.

Oi. Aside from that, seeing the original post, I would wanna know who'd be pissed with Paris to hijack a plane heading that way.

« Last Edit: September 26, 2011, 10:17:43 PM by skywarnal »

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Re: The Pot Belly Stove
« Reply #12742 on: September 26, 2011, 10:23:34 PM »
Oi. Aside from that, seeing the original post, I would wanna know who'd be pissed with Paris to hijack a plane heading that way.

You'd be amazed how many terrorists organizations will go after France. Google a story about a hijacking in Algeria that led to a police raid on the plane that killed the terrorists.

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Re: The Pot Belly Stove
« Reply #12743 on: September 27, 2011, 02:09:46 AM »
I wouldn't want to attend all of your schools... jheez...

Well Jesse, surely you had some form of disciplinary action at your school...

Jesse and I attended schools.  The rest of you... well, "prison" seems too inadequate a word.  Are you allowed to sneeze without getting written up for it?!

You only got JUG if you did something extremely stupid, disrespectful, or committed some form of academic dishonesty. Do any of those things, and they'd make it sting-like it should. If you didn't screw around, dealt with and debated with the teacher in a professional way (which is one of the core things they teach) and didn't cheat you were fine. It wasn't prison, it was academic darwinism.

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Re: The Pot Belly Stove
« Reply #12744 on: September 27, 2011, 11:13:28 AM »
Very true. In most cases, professors couldn't care less if you came in to class 5 minutes late, 30 minutes late, or skipped class altogether. I will say that some of my classes have attendance policies in which your average will drop a letter grade if you miss so many days of class.

But the most important thing to remember about college is that YOU are in control. No demerits, referrals, any of that. Disciplinary actions will either affect your grade or will involve a nice visit with the police if you decide to go to the extreme level such as drinking on campus.
Yea I have several that do attendance for that reason. A couple also just lock the door after 5minutes so your screwed if you are late. Seems fair enough.

School and discipline aside, I have fixed my warning feed on my Twitter and set up my room with fall decorations! Thank God I got the potpourri, it masked the grass smell in my fake moss which looks like I have weed all over my desk.
Miss the days of decorating my room :P Just don't have the time these days

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Re: The Pot Belly Stove
« Reply #12745 on: September 27, 2011, 11:33:46 AM »
Curious since we were talking about discipline and schools.... What are your policies for electronic devices? When I was in public school they were completely banned. Kindles, iPods, Cell Phones, Laptops, etc. Security did random searches of classrooms and students every few weeks and if you were caught with one it was taken. First time you got it back at the end of the day, second a parent had to get it and third it became school property and kept until summer. Didn't matter if it was off, in your locker, pocket or backpack. I manged to get out of that situation by sticking my phone in my shoe. They wanded you with the metal detector but never bothered with shoes. Kinda dumb if they were trying to find weapons.

I thin the most annoying part about my high school was the tardy policy. If you were tardy you were not allowed to enter your classroom. You had to go to a table on each floor where an administrator noted your name and wrote you a pass. 3 times and you got saturday school and I think 7 was a suspension. Really sucked for morning classes.

Offline Eric

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Re: The Pot Belly Stove
« Reply #12746 on: September 27, 2011, 12:32:12 PM »
When I taught, it was in private language schools, so I was pretty much on my own as to determining the rules necessary for running the class.  Also, since I had so many different groups of students in different settings, I therefore had to have many different sets of rules.

In classes with children and teenagers, the only electronic devices I allowed were electronic dictionaries/translators, the use of which was more restricted as the language level increased.  (I also allowed e-books, but, these weren't disruptive, so long as the student had the right book displayed!)  Cell phones were strictly verbotten.  If a student couldn't be trusted to not use the phone, it went in a box on my desk and he got it back at the end of class.  It would have been utterly unthinkable (and illegal under Russian law) for me to hold it beyond the end of class or demand some kind of payment (in money or otherwise) for its return.  If the student didn't want to stop using his phone and refused to surrender it, I showed him the door.  (That happened only once.)  I spoke with his parents, explained my rules, and asked them to help with a solution.  (That happened only twice, and the parents were very apologetic.)

I trusted adults a lot more, and also agreed that adults should have the right to suffer their own consequences for not paying attention.  I never once had an adult actually talk on the phone right in the classroom or make excessive noise with a phone.  If they didn't want to pay attention to me, however, that was their own problem.  Granted, it was annoying when an adult in an individual lesson used a cell phone, but I justified it this way - the adult is paying (and at a premium) for this one-on-one lesson of his own free will, and he is talking on the phone during this lesson of his own free will.  Therefore, he realizes that he is paying a lot of money to talk on the phone while I just sit there doing nothing while still earning money.

(The same happened with tardiness, whether adults or children - the meter started running at the scheduled start of class, not when the first student wandered through the door.  There was one morning adult class that started at 7:40, and my students were notorious for not showing up for up to half an hour later.  I explained to my bosses at the language school that I was getting paid for so long for just sitting around and reading the newspaper.  Their philosophy was the same as mine - if the students choose to be late, then it's their choice to pay me for sitting around and reading the newspaper!)

I also had groups of workers at their workplace, and since I was essentially the guest, and since I had no control over what happened in the workplace, I had to tolerate cell phones, tablets, PDAs, and whatever other electronic devices got used.  They were always polite about it, though.

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Re: The Pot Belly Stove
« Reply #12747 on: September 27, 2011, 02:36:44 PM »
The cell phone/electronics policy at my school seems rather lax now, except for the consequences. You can have them with you, and you can even use them during lunch, before and after school, and during passing periods. However, you can only make phone calls in the first floor during lunch and after school. Electronics can't be used in the classrooms without permission, and if your phone goes off during class, you'll get a Saturday School, and will get the device confiscates until a parent picks it up.
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Offline WeatherWitness

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Re: The Pot Belly Stove
« Reply #12748 on: September 27, 2011, 03:24:30 PM »
I just found out my high school changed their policy for electronic devices. What they're doing now seems more reasonable to me. Here is a rundown on the new policy:

  • Cell phones must remain on vibrate or silent in the classroom and are not to be used for texting, placing calls, etc. If you are caught using a device, it will be confiscated and you will pay $15 to retrieve it.
  • Cell phones may be used during lunch*, before, and (of course) when school ends.
  • You may listen to iPods during lunch*, before, or after school.
  • iPod earbuds should not be in ears in the hallway for safety reasons.

*Indicates a new rule

Originally, ALL electronic devices had to be turned OFF and out-of-sight for the entire school day. This policy is more lax but is more reasonable. Cell phones should not be used during class...obvious. I think they should be allowed during lunch, for example, because you just may need to text your parents for something important. I had to do this a couple of times. iPod earbuds during lunch don't seem like a problem. But in the hall, I can understand their forbidden use since it could lead to an accident if you are not paying attention. Too bad this new policy was implemented after I left, but I think it's good that they're being more reasonable. :yes:

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Re: The Pot Belly Stove
« Reply #12749 on: September 27, 2011, 10:37:08 PM »
Is it me... or are schools these days are getting stricter and stricter with their policies?   :blink:

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