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Author Topic: The Pot Belly Stove  (Read 1581198 times)

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Re: The Pot Belly Stove
« Reply #11940 on: October 21, 2010, 12:37:15 PM »
It's hard to believe that we're less than two weeks away from Halloween.  This month is flying quickly.  Hope all of you are doing well as we approach the holidays!
I think I have something fun in mind for Friday, October 29th when we wear costumes. I'm gonna wear green in front of the green screen for that day so all you will see is my head when I do the weather. :P
Make sure the greens match.
Heh, if they don't exactly I can always change the aperture or livematte color. :P

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Re: The Pot Belly Stove
« Reply #11941 on: October 21, 2010, 05:58:59 PM »
So much for emphasis on schoolwork.. my parents literally busted a grudge earlier on the fact I was correcting them on misleading info and even cited my source verbally. They thought I was proving them wrong like a game of "I'm right and you're wrong!"  :rolleyes: What ever happened to a "good job!" or "what did you learn today?" question from my parents?  :wacko:
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Re: The Pot Belly Stove
« Reply #11942 on: October 21, 2010, 07:55:16 PM »
The city has set ToTing from 4-6PM it being Sunday and all. ( I see election day is 2 days after Halloween, nobody's really going to do anything that Monday...)

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Re: The Pot Belly Stove
« Reply #11943 on: October 21, 2010, 11:07:04 PM »
These Twitter boxes and now Jesse's awesome glass writing are sure becoming popular signatures around here. :D

BTW Ana, where did your new username "Meganium90" come from? :unsure: It'll be a change for all of us, especially since "Anistorm" had been around for at least a year.

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Re: The Pot Belly Stove
« Reply #11944 on: October 21, 2010, 11:29:06 PM »
I remember Meganium being one of the Pokémon on the show. There's a bunch more now, but I remember that one.

I'm surprised some cities are allowing Halloween Trick-or-treating on Sunday. I think Saturday night is the night for Trick-or-treating, but I'm not certain. Saturday makes more sense to me, though. Thanks goodness a front is supposed to come through the day before, so it might actually be a rather chilly Halloween. A warm, muggy Halloween isn't right.
« Last Edit: October 21, 2010, 11:31:00 PM by twcfan68 »


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Re: The Pot Belly Stove
« Reply #11945 on: October 22, 2010, 12:43:25 AM »
I'm surprised some cities are allowing Halloween Trick-or-treating on Sunday. I think Saturday night is the night for Trick-or-treating, but I'm not certain. Saturday makes more sense to me, though. Thanks goodness a front is supposed to come through the day before, so it might actually be a rather chilly Halloween. A warm, muggy Halloween isn't right.
Some cities prevent Friday and Saturday nights from being Trick-or-treat nights due to crime issues that can occur.

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Re: The Pot Belly Stove
« Reply #11946 on: October 22, 2010, 12:47:14 AM »
Back from our Homecoming Concert with Ke$ha, 3OH!3 and HelloGoobye. It was an AWESOME concert! Students got tickets for 10 bucks and I was right at the stage. College tuition is finally paying off! :P

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Re: The Pot Belly Stove
« Reply #11947 on: October 22, 2010, 10:14:05 AM »
Wow, look at you, Martin. I'm glad you're enjoying college.  :) That sounds like a lot of fun.

I hope I don't depress anybody with this post, but I really feel the need to be honest and ask for some advice. I haven't been attending classes very much at all this year because I just don't seem to have any motivation to learn or anything. Whenever I try to learn, I just can't because I'm either thinking about the passing of my dad or some other thought is distracting me from studying. I was never the best studier, but the distractions in my mind have gotten so bad that I can hardly study or learn at all. High school was so easy, but things just seem to be falling apart for me in college. I'm probably going to go see a therapist soon for some counseling and advice, but as for right now, I think I'm probably going to take the year off. Hopefully, though, I'll be able to bounce back and be eager and able to learn again and socialize with other college alumni. I don't want my life to fall apart and all, but I guess I'm not strong enough to deal with my emotional distress alone.
« Last Edit: October 22, 2010, 10:15:53 AM by twcfan68 »


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Re: The Pot Belly Stove
« Reply #11948 on: October 22, 2010, 01:23:03 PM »
Christina, you should talk to a counselor or therapist on campus right now about your situation.  They could help you decide if you should take a year off from college or not, and they could contact your professors although you should talk to them yourself as well if you're way behind.  You shouldn't be dealing with the emotional toll of losing a parent alone.  There's a reason college tuition is so high:  You're also paying for student services.  Take advantage of these resources now, and don't be afraid to also talk to your friends and other family members.  I'm sorry that you're still feeling so much pain in your life.  Good luck!

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Re: The Pot Belly Stove
« Reply #11949 on: October 22, 2010, 06:02:06 PM »
Thanks, Patrick. I've been talking to my professors, and they understand, but I still need to find a way to learn to get through this. It's almost as if now it's finally hitting me. When it first happened, I was just in shock, but now I realize more and more that he really is gone. I don't want anyone to worry that I'm going to commit suicide or anything, because I am eager and determined to learn to cope with the loss and learn to cherish my love and friendship with my family and friends. If I were to take a year off, I would spend it doing something worthwhile. I've always wanted to travel to Africa and help people there in any way I can. If I can do something fulfilling, I think that might help me out a lot. I've worked out arrangements with a therapist and a few counselors, so I hope I can stick through these hardships and make it through this year strong. I guess I'm not really sticking this out alone because I do have family around, but they seem to be coping with the loss much better than I am. But thank you for your advice, Patrick. I hope I can get over this to the point where I can focus on my own future instead of dreading the sad things that happened in the past.
« Last Edit: October 22, 2010, 06:03:42 PM by twcfan68 »

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Re: The Pot Belly Stove
« Reply #11950 on: October 22, 2010, 06:12:07 PM »
You're doing the right thing Christina. :) No one deserves to go through the suffering you're going through. I was certainly no stranger to that back in my freshman year of high school (2006-07) when I went through many problems socially and emotionally thanks to a group of unwanted students. While it didn't affect my grades, people noticed a change in me. I've went through counseling and it had helped me a lot and I was pretty much back in my feet by the start of junior year.

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Re: The Pot Belly Stove
« Reply #11951 on: October 22, 2010, 10:12:06 PM »
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Re: The Pot Belly Stove
« Reply #11952 on: October 22, 2010, 10:39:25 PM »
Thanks, Patrick. I've been talking to my professors, and they understand, but I still need to find a way to learn to get through this. It's almost as if now it's finally hitting me. When it first happened, I was just in shock, but now I realize more and more that he really is gone. I don't want anyone to worry that I'm going to commit suicide or anything, because I am eager and determined to learn to cope with the loss and learn to cherish my love and friendship with my family and friends. If I were to take a year off, I would spend it doing something worthwhile. I've always wanted to travel to Africa and help people there in any way I can. If I can do something fulfilling, I think that might help me out a lot. I've worked out arrangements with a therapist and a few counselors, so I hope I can stick through these hardships and make it through this year strong. I guess I'm not really sticking this out alone because I do have family around, but they seem to be coping with the loss much better than I am. But thank you for your advice, Patrick. I hope I can get over this to the point where I can focus on my own future instead of dreading the sad things that happened in the past.

Christina, while I haven't ever been in the same situation as you are currently going through, I do want to say that I really admire your determination to learn and your positive outlook on life despite your loss. I couldn't imagine what life would be like without one of my parents; I don't know if I would have the same determination and optimism as you do now, so I really commend you for that and admire it so much. Your dream to go to Africa and help people there also touches me as well. :cry: May all go well for you in this difficult time in your life. Best wishes! :)

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Re: The Pot Belly Stove
« Reply #11953 on: October 22, 2010, 10:46:38 PM »
Thanks, Patrick. I've been talking to my professors, and they understand, but I still need to find a way to learn to get through this. It's almost as if now it's finally hitting me. When it first happened, I was just in shock, but now I realize more and more that he really is gone. I don't want anyone to worry that I'm going to commit suicide or anything, because I am eager and determined to learn to cope with the loss and learn to cherish my love and friendship with my family and friends. If I were to take a year off, I would spend it doing something worthwhile. I've always wanted to travel to Africa and help people there in any way I can. If I can do something fulfilling, I think that might help me out a lot. I've worked out arrangements with a therapist and a few counselors, so I hope I can stick through these hardships and make it through this year strong. I guess I'm not really sticking this out alone because I do have family around, but they seem to be coping with the loss much better than I am. But thank you for your advice, Patrick. I hope I can get over this to the point where I can focus on my own future instead of dreading the sad things that happened in the past.
Christina, I applaud what you're trying to do. :clap: Hopefully you can make that dream a reality. :happy: Soon everyone will follow in your footsteps.
« Last Edit: October 22, 2010, 10:49:39 PM by Jonathon »

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Re: The Pot Belly Stove
« Reply #11954 on: October 22, 2010, 11:54:31 PM »
Thanks, Patrick. I've been talking to my professors, and they understand, but I still need to find a way to learn to get through this. It's almost as if now it's finally hitting me. When it first happened, I was just in shock, but now I realize more and more that he really is gone. I don't want anyone to worry that I'm going to commit suicide or anything, because I am eager and determined to learn to cope with the loss and learn to cherish my love and friendship with my family and friends. If I were to take a year off, I would spend it doing something worthwhile. I've always wanted to travel to Africa and help people there in any way I can. If I can do something fulfilling, I think that might help me out a lot. I've worked out arrangements with a therapist and a few counselors, so I hope I can stick through these hardships and make it through this year strong. I guess I'm not really sticking this out alone because I do have family around, but they seem to be coping with the loss much better than I am. But thank you for your advice, Patrick. I hope I can get over this to the point where I can focus on my own future instead of dreading the sad things that happened in the past.
Christina, this was exactly how i felt at times earlier this year. :hmm: Although Ive been doing better this year despite my AP class was sluggish at first to start off but almost all is well now for me. :)

What should be good for you is that maybe in spare time if you have the need to study but dont want sad or depressing thoughts, try doing something you can be thinking of that is actually doable such as listening to your favorite music at a low volume while working or prior to listen to music that soothes your emotions :yes:
I've gone off on a journey to be a moderator at another forum, but this place will forever remain home for me~