Once again, you people are thinking like fans and not the average viewer. TWC wouldn't be doing these things if people weren't watching. Get over yourselves already and think once and awhile.

Thank You.
I would really like to see how ratings are after the NBC takeover. I assume they are good, or they would have already changed some things. But, I see it as a one-stop channel for the average viewer. You get your weather several times throughout the hour, and you get your update of all kinds of news a couple times throughout the hour.
Do I agree with it? Not exactly. Am I going to sit here and contiue to complain and groan everytime TWC has a news update on there, No. There is nothing that we can do. If you want to do something, then simply don't watch. If you aren't happy with what you are watching, just switch the channel

There are many many more channels for you to choose from.
As for the Hope for Haiti Now Telethon.... kudos to The Weather Channel for showing it. I can't see why any of you would even complain about them showing it. Have a heart, seriously. Haiti, as mentioned before on this forum, is the poorest (or one of the poorest) country in the western hemisphere. They seriously need this money. The more viewers that this telethon can get, the more money that will be raised.