Hey all--- hope you all had a great holiday!
As for my year... I've had kind of a roller-coaster of a year..mainly a good roller-coaster, and I am VERY excited for what 2010 has the potential to bring
To those struggling with people in school: DON'T TAKE THEIR SH*T. There is no reason someone has to treat you poorly. I frown upon people who do that. They need to find a new hobby, other than, obviously, making other lives miserable. I maks me so mad when people are hurting from other people being absolutley rude to others. I want to say ignor them, but that is sometimes hard to do. I would not go as far as "telling on them", because in life, you have to solve your own problems, not someone else (unless it is a SERIOUS situation..to where the police have to get involved). I am sorry some of you have been bullied
. At least you kind of have an outlet here...
2009 was a rollercoaster to me too. I've been a lot of places this year, and finally got to go to the UP after who knows how many years of wanting to do that. I went to Houghton Lake, the thumb, Alpena, Grand Rapids, Detroit, Bay City, St Ignace, Petoskey, and Port Huron. It’s really fun for me to see the local forecast from different angles, and see all these different configurations. I figure since I am really the only TWC fan in The Wolverine State, I should help fill in the gap and record as many units as I can. It costs a lot of money to do it, which is why visits are becoming more spread out. It usually ends up being around $100, what with the hotel stay, gas, and the subway sub I always get when I am not in Lansing.
I miss the daze when I was able to excite people when I would go somewhere. I remember spring break back in April when I kept Patrick in suspense about going to see the Houghton Lake XL, and I had multiple people show up in my ‘special edition’ stream that nite. Back before the start of this school year, people always loved seeing recordings from these different locations. Now even my non-Lansing recordings are suffering. I honestly wish all people here would view my videos, and not feel like they
have to watch and rate them. This really doesn’t feel like much of an exchange anymore.
Now onto my computer issues…
Back in February, I had to have my desktop computer reformatted for the second time, since it had multiple viruses on it (the easy tech associate found 9), and videos would not play. In June, I finally got my laptop, when I never thought I would get one, since I already have my desktop. But it was nice! I got a TV tuner working on it (after 2 weeks, since there don’t seem to be a lot of good USB TV tuners these daze). But long story short, I began having issues with it. It would overheat, freeze, and be very slow. I kept having a “plugged in, not charging” issue, where the laptop would recognize that it was plugged in, but it was still wearing down the battery (and thus, not charging it). This prevented me from recording on my tuner, as I began having issues with it when I was in St Ignace back in September. I hardly got anything when I was in Petoskey, and I only got one recording when I took it to Port Huron. I had to go back again to get recordings with my desktop, so there went my overall profit for the year from lawn mowing (the rest went to my laptop). I sent it in to HP back on the 7th of December, and it came back two hours after I left Lansing on Thursday. I got back to it, and found that HP couldn’t

ing find anything wrong with it. They didn’t even fix the casing issue I also had with it.
The weather was somewhat exciting through the first half of the year, and then really became blah blah after that. We had a real big cold snap back in January, during which school was cancelled one day, and we also got the first Wind Chill Warning I could remember. In April, we got a snow, conveniently the nite I was in Houghton Lake

Then in June, we got the first Flash Flood Warning I could remember! I got to watch the whole situation unfold with Patrick, and I called this line developing over the lake. He didn’t think it was going to develop into something serious, but I said it would

After finding out we would have another El Nino winter, I knew we would be in for a bad winter.
As for school, where do I even begin? Back in January, I had an issue with a freshman texting me during class. I accidentally left my phone on, and the text message notification went off while we were copying down quotes in English class. I just sat there, pretending to look at the board, with my hands shaking as I was writing. After a minute, I went up to the teacher, confessed to her that it was my phone, and she graciously allowed me to go to my locker to place it in there. I was incredibly thankful to her for that, since she could have held up the hour, and I would have been in much more trouble. The kid texted me “bird man,” which was so stupid. The summer was when things became more interesting. My civics teacher for the first semester of sophomore year last year kept insisting that I play tennis. He really wanted me to do it, and I was really skeptical about it, mainly since I had never played before. He was coaching the tennis program at Eastern High School here in Lansing, which is only a couple blocks from where I live. I came a couple times in June just to socialize. In July, I started going over there more often, and eventually Henry (the coach) just took me over to an available court, gave me a racket, and just had me show him what I had. I was pretty good, and he really thought I had potential. With time, I slowly became more acquainted with some of the other kids there, and I got to know a couple now freshmen. One was really nice, one was not. The one that was not, a kid to which I referred as “Toll Booth” (since his last name is Booth), was quite obnoxious, and is well known for being excessively rich. He hit a couple tennis balls at another court where Henry and all hs other students were having an assembly of sorts, when I was with him. He also took my bike, and rode around them a couple times. It got to me when he pulled out his wallet and there was $60, being counted right in my face (he didn’t do that to be mean). I also got to know another now freshman, whom I thought of as “Apple Corr” (since his last name was Corr). I also found it interesting that “the Corrs” had a song on the playlist that month.

I was really happy when he actually invited me to play tennis with him.
I almost got to know them, what when the tennis program ended, and the nite I stayed in Romulus got to me as not having anyone to talk to for another couple weeks. I skipped the trip to Washington DC my mom was planning. But then, things started to take a turn for the worst. A kid tricked me (long story, PM for details), and I started to get further and further behind. Right there, Mike moved in as a good friend, and someone to talk to, so I shut out my problems. Then, when he left, things turned haywire. I apologize if that offends you Mike, but I can’t keep that inside forever.
I’m probably leaving out some details, but I apologize for the long post there. A lot happened this year, lol. As you can see, it has been a rollercoaster for me too, Kyle.