« Reply #10766 on: December 11, 2009, 11:57:06 AM »
Really? A freezer? 
It's indeed a last resort move, but I've seen articles supporting this idea. If you put the disk in the freezer for several hours, the drive can work for a little bit when you take it out and try to access it. If it dies before you can get all the data, just stick it back in the freezer for a longer time and try again. You should stick the disk in a plastic zip-lock bag to prevent condensation while it's in the freezer. Heat and moisture are the two biggest enemies to any drive or electrical device.
Well, I would try it, but I'm nervous about causing even further damage that would indeed make me screwed. Patrick, can you find one or two of these articles? I'll be looking into the cost of taking the drive apart and stealing the data off that way, but it does get pricey. Staples charges $50 for the job (they say it only goes up to 10 GB, but they have backed up at least 500 GB of my stuff in only two times). But again, Staples can't find the drive even in their restoration software.
« Last Edit: December 11, 2009, 12:15:26 PM by wxntrafficfan »

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