It's a sad day locally. A Penn Hills Police officer was basically ambushed last night while responding to a domestic violence call. He was shot while sitting in his patrol car awaiting backup. This hits home really hard because I know quite a few of the officers with the department (about 30 officers). I didn't know him personally, but this is a shame. Earlier this year 3 officers were killed in the City of Pittsburgh, where they were also ambushed when responding to a call.
All local media outlets have coverage, but here's a link to just one of KDKA's reports. There's multiple videos to watch on their site.
Wow, this story is really sad, Tyler.
I can't imagine how much police officers in major cities must deal with every single shift, especially with criminals like that one.
Indeed it is sad, and I thought it was odd that it happened another time previously. My thoughts go out to those officers' families.
I hate to change the subject here, but I am typing on my laptop for the last time for a little while. I need to put it in a box and ship it out to HP in Mipitas, CA. It is going to be so hard living without this, lol

Should get it back in a couple weeks (probably week of Christmas allowing for that 7-9 business day time frame). They need to look at it to not only repair the loose casing, but look into some wiring issues, and the issue with the overheating as well. I am hoping they replace it. Wish me luck!