so, I saw maroon 5 this weekend...they sound amazing live.
other than that, I haven't had much of a productive now i'm off to complete a research paper due wednesday. blah
wednesday will not get here soon enough....
I've got a research paper due a week from tomorrow. It is making me VERY aggravated, because I have to focus on these two movies that were shown in class, and research something about the movie. It's so stupid.
Tonight, I will be writing a paper on a movie that I will watch from the 1950's. uggh. I agree with Al, Wednesday can't come soon enough! 
This week is going to be very slow for me. I have two midterms on Tuesday, and Math class will be slow as

I have to finish my debate for Political Science class, it's due next week. Then I'm going to have a looong Thanksgiving weekend. (Turkey, food, shopping, KISS and Buckcherry in concert, yep! can't wait!)