I have great news. Remember Mikaila (aka Miki), one of Serafina's kittens? Well, when I gave her away, apparently the original owners were moving. They left the neighborhood without Miki. So in the past few months she was prowling around the neighborhood as a stray kitty. She visited my house several times. Miki did call my house her true home, so yesterday upon coming home from college I took her back inside, gave her a short bath, and gave her the green pillow she used to sleep on.
Miki is now 6 months old and a very big kitty, which tells that she is definetly the first-born. She loves kitty snacks, belly rubs, and she loves to run around the house.
Hey guys. Sorry I haven't been active lately. Just swamped with work. Friday- Sunday I was sick. For the past two days I have been just non stop working. Only had about 2hrs of sleep each night since Sunday. Im really run down at the moment. Hope to recover a bit this afternoon. As always if you have anything urgent, you can always email me, contact me on twitter or send me a PM.

Take your time Martin. I hope you feel better as well.