
I'll go get the coffee table, all the massaging recliners, a full stock of food and drink for two seasons, and mounds of other stuff when Christmas comes. Sound good for everyone?

Guess what? Some of the trees are already starting to turn! Woo!
First day of fall, first day of being sick. YAY! 
There seem to a be heck of a lot of people getting sick lately. There are several people out at my school with some sort of sickness, most of which is the flu and some even with swine flu. 
We do have many *likely* cases of H1N1 in
Podunkville West Plains, the tiny country city that no one should actually care about.

Also, a ton of some sort of sinus infection is going around, too, so pretty much
>50% of the town is down with something.
Here's what's creepy, though. This year, the rule about cancel(l)ing school is if the district-wide attendance drops below 80% one day, then we're out the next day and every day until it's expected to bounce back up. And the district-wide attendance is
already below 90%. I would guess within the next 2 months we will have school cancel(l)ed due to illness. Yet still, I will refuse to take the shot because to me, it will just be the thing I get almost every other year: the
flu. I understand that there are people who are more at risk for complications of H1N1, and I am more concerned for them, but as for me, I am not concerned. If a teenager in West Plains dies of H1N1, then I'll start to get worried. Is it likely? No.
* Jonathan steps off of his traveling soapbox
Now back to a less serious convo. I hope everyone's had a wonderful first day of fall, and hope it's a great one to come! I'll try to get some pics of our non-famous Ozarks fall foliage.