Here's my perspective: It's my opinion that Matt (and occassionally, but not always, Tyler) are very quick to hit the warn button. That's one thing I personally like about not having a warning system here-I can't be tempted to overuse it. Furthermore, I do just fine without it. You guys occassionally get mouthy, or arrogant, or clowny, but I honestly don't beleive you guys have done anything I would deem a warnable offense. I'm not paranoid like that. I won't loose sleep by not warning you. Nor do I care if I lose face by not warning you. Personally, I think that's why Matt likes his warning button so much-because he feels obligated to use it. He's afraid everyone will abandon him if he's not a complete hardass about every little infraction. Personally, I have an open door policy to relieve the need to be a hardass. You don't like how I adminsitrate, feel free to exit, stage right.
I'm not looking to get too involved, but I'll tell you this much-just let it go. Don't let it get to you. If you get banned from there, you still have us here.