LOL you guys have got to hear this...
So I was listening to my iPod on the school bus on the ride home. This junior (she was HOT) walked up and said if she could listen to music on my ipod (97% of music in my ipod is TWC music) so I was listening to the song "The Green Road" by Main Gazane from the 12/07 playlist and she only listened to the song for about 9 seconds. The song is full of sax and piano, the typical music teens despise . After that she gave the Ipod back to me and i swear to god, what I saw was the most priceless "WTF" reaction I ever saw!
Also, this other kid in my home room has actually heard of the guitarist Steve Glotzer. He said he loves his guitar music and plays some of the beats on his guitar by following Glotzer. Weird but cool at the same time.