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Author Topic: The Pot Belly Stove  (Read 1580968 times)

Offline Localonthe8s

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Re: The Pot Belly Stove
« Reply #10800 on: December 15, 2009, 04:37:05 PM »
Ana, this is not an argument. We're simply discussing a dilemma I'm having.
Yes. It's not an argument at all. We all are having issues with YT views. YT is on a decline now as with TWC. No one quite frankly likes the two anymore. Several longtime members who used to be into TWC hardly post/visit here anymore like Derek, Gil, Gary, Epiphany etc

Offline wxntrafficfan

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Re: The Pot Belly Stove
« Reply #10801 on: December 15, 2009, 04:38:48 PM »
Anyway...  :whistling:

So back to your issue, Molly, I would say start with clearing some memory and seeing what that does. Sounds to me though like the very same issue I was having with my desktop back in 2007 during the first 6 months I had it: bad ram. Computer kept freezing on me too, and also ran very slow at times. I would take either take the computer in to make sure that is the issue or try buying new ram for it and see what that does.

Ana, this is not an argument. We're simply discussing a dilemma I'm having.
Yes. It's not an argument at all. We all are having issues with YT views. YT is on a decline now as with TWC. No one quite frankly likes the two anymore. Several longtime members who used to be into TWC hardly post/visit here anymore like Derek, Gil, Gary, Epiphany etc
Thank you, that was exactly my point.
TWC in...
Lansing: Comcast, Channel 36, STAR ID 22840
E. Lansing: Comcast, Channel 40, STAR ID 22842
Lansing Area: Broadstripe, Channel 40, STAR ID 25349
Current STAR count: 32. Be sure to see my channel for links to all the uploads!

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Re: The Pot Belly Stove
« Reply #10802 on: December 15, 2009, 04:50:10 PM »
Ana, this is not an argument. We're simply discussing a dilemma I'm having.
Yes. It's not an argument at all. We all are having issues with YT views. YT is on a decline now as with TWC. No one quite frankly likes the two anymore. Several longtime members who used to be into TWC hardly post/visit here anymore like Derek, Gil, Gary, Epiphany etc

Yeah, I agree with that. I miss them all. Havent talked to Epiphany for a while now. As for YT, several days ago I got a copyright notice that made me delete one of my emulations (I'm glad it's not the most recent, which had the song "Clouds of Heaven" by Ryan Farish.) I'm sad to do this, but it is for the sake of my account. And I only have one reason to watch TWC: Chris Warren :wub:

Sorry for being "all fired up" these past couple of posts. I was trying to prevent a future dispute. And besides, I'm sick, I can't breathe. It makes me mad.  :pinch:
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Re: The Pot Belly Stove
« Reply #10803 on: December 15, 2009, 04:54:28 PM »
It's so hard to believe that there's only ten days left until Christmas. :blink:  It seems like this year just flew right by us.  Hope everyone is ready for the holidays!
Good thing....I hate this year so much And 2010 is looking bleak for me so far :(
Indeed :/

Offline Localonthe8s

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Re: The Pot Belly Stove
« Reply #10804 on: December 15, 2009, 04:57:00 PM »
Ana, this is not an argument. We're simply discussing a dilemma I'm having.
Yes. It's not an argument at all. We all are having issues with YT views. YT is on a decline now as with TWC. No one quite frankly likes the two anymore. Several longtime members who used to be into TWC hardly post/visit here anymore like Derek, Gil, Gary, Epiphany etc
As for YT, several days ago I got a copyright notice that made me delete one of my emulations (I'm glad it's not the most recent, which had the song "Clouds of Heaven" by Ryan Farish.)
Hopefully I'm overlooking this, but you had a copyright notice on your video with Clouds of Heaven by Ryan Farish? And I'm not in a good mood either because of school/relationship issues

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Re: The Pot Belly Stove
« Reply #10805 on: December 15, 2009, 05:08:25 PM »
Ana, this is not an argument. We're simply discussing a dilemma I'm having.
Yes. It's not an argument at all. We all are having issues with YT views. YT is on a decline now as with TWC. No one quite frankly likes the two anymore. Several longtime members who used to be into TWC hardly post/visit here anymore like Derek, Gil, Gary, Epiphany etc
As for YT, several days ago I got a copyright notice that made me delete one of my emulations (I'm glad it's not the most recent, which had the song "Clouds of Heaven" by Ryan Farish.)
Hopefully I'm overlooking this, but you had a copyright notice on your video with Clouds of Heaven by Ryan Farish? And I'm not in a good mood either because of school/relationship issues

It's not Clouds Of Heaven, which was the most recent. "Rushing" by Moby, which I used for the August 21, 2009 emulation got a copyright notice... by WMG.
hi~ I'm Anistorm.
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Re: The Pot Belly Stove
« Reply #10806 on: December 15, 2009, 05:48:55 PM »
You guys know about this Text that Tune that TWC is doing this week during YWT?
You win like a $200 gift card to the TWC store or something

Offline wxntrafficfan

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Re: The Pot Belly Stove
« Reply #10807 on: December 15, 2009, 05:57:23 PM »
You guys know about this Text that Tune that TWC is doing this week during YWT?
You win like a $200 gift card to the TWC store or something
Yeah, there's already a topic about that
TWC in...
Lansing: Comcast, Channel 36, STAR ID 22840
E. Lansing: Comcast, Channel 40, STAR ID 22842
Lansing Area: Broadstripe, Channel 40, STAR ID 25349
Current STAR count: 32. Be sure to see my channel for links to all the uploads!

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Re: The Pot Belly Stove
« Reply #10808 on: December 15, 2009, 06:40:14 PM »
I'm going to address these concerns about YT views:  If all of you want to improve your views, then you need to create more variety in your videos and not post more than once a week.  Most of the mainstream doesn't care about LFs and TWC like we do, so you got to mix it up more.  Aaron, you were uploading TV commercials that were getting very high views, so why not try a few more of those now and then along with anything else you want?  If I ever start uploading videos, I'm not going to focus solely on LFs or TWC.  I'll actually do weather videos and anything else random that I feel is funny or interesting to capture.

Additionally, is YT views really that big a deal?  You don't need views to survive on YT.  Uploading a video is solely for the pleasure of the user to keep those memories and share them with the world.  Whether everyone else thinks it's awesome or not doesn't take away from the treasured moments that the user wants to capture forever, which is why you have your own account.  I'm trying to deal with family, friends, getting a job, and so many other things to where I could care less about my account having zero videos uploaded and zero views right now.  There are far bigger problems in life than getting enough YT views, so please keep everything in perspective here.

Offline Mike M

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Re: The Pot Belly Stove
« Reply #10809 on: December 15, 2009, 08:53:09 PM »
Thank you Patrick B)

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Re: The Pot Belly Stove
« Reply #10810 on: December 15, 2009, 09:03:53 PM »
Hi guys, I'm sorry I haven't been on for awhile. I've been really busy with school work. Yet, there have also been many personal issues lately with family, but with friends I can discuss it.

On Friday night (December 11, 2009), I texted a friend what she was doing on the weekend, and she said she was hanging out with 20 of our friends (juniors from our classes) at Naked Fish for Eileen's birthday party (her birthday was on December 8). After I got the text, I felt a bit jealous, because with 20 PEOPLE?!?!?!?!? (I wouldn't bother if it was 5 people, but 20 PEOPLE?!?!?!?. That's so shady. Then I got so frikken upset that I couldn't hang out with them, and I was home for the rest of Friday and the weekend, depressed and crying, that I had no friends at all, that I wanted to go back to India or even move to Canda (either Vancouver or Toronto to see how the french and british are). After that, I felt that I never wanted to speak to them EVER again. After that, a friend of mine decided to talk to me about my problems and stuff, and I felt a LOT better by Monday.

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Re: The Pot Belly Stove
« Reply #10811 on: December 15, 2009, 09:24:36 PM »
I'm going to address these concerns about YT views:  If all of you want to improve your views, then you need to create more variety in your videos and not post more than once a week.  Most of the mainstream doesn't care about LFs and TWC like we do, so you got to mix it up more.  Aaron, you were uploading TV commercials that were getting very high views, so why not try a few more of those now and then along with anything else you want?  If I ever start uploading videos, I'm not going to focus solely on LFs or TWC.  I'll actually do weather videos and anything else random that I feel is funny or interesting to capture.

Additionally, is YT views really that big a deal?  You don't need views to survive on YT.  Uploading a video is solely for the pleasure of the user to keep those memories and share them with the world.  Whether everyone else thinks it's awesome or not doesn't take away from the treasured moments that the user wants to capture forever, which is why you have your own account.  I'm trying to deal with family, friends, getting a job, and so many other things to where I could care less about my account having zero videos uploaded and zero views right now.  There are far bigger problems in life than getting enough YT views, so please keep everything in perspective here.

With the help of Zach, I plan on doing video game recordings and probably other stuff to start off the new year and I'm also cutting down to 1 or 2 vids a week.

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Re: The Pot Belly Stove
« Reply #10812 on: December 15, 2009, 09:26:08 PM »
I'm going to address these concerns about YT views:  If all of you want to improve your views, then you need to create more variety in your videos and not post more than once a week.  Most of the mainstream doesn't care about LFs and TWC like we do, so you got to mix it up more.  Aaron, you were uploading TV commercials that were getting very high views, so why not try a few more of those now and then along with anything else you want?  If I ever start uploading videos, I'm not going to focus solely on LFs or TWC.  I'll actually do weather videos and anything else random that I feel is funny or interesting to capture.

Additionally, is YT views really that big a deal?  You don't need views to survive on YT.  Uploading a video is solely for the pleasure of the user to keep those memories and share them with the world.  Whether everyone else thinks it's awesome or not doesn't take away from the treasured moments that the user wants to capture forever, which is why you have your own account.  I'm trying to deal with family, friends, getting a job, and so many other things to where I could care less about my account having zero videos uploaded and zero views right now.  There are far bigger problems in life than getting enough YT views, so please keep everything in perspective here.

With the help of Zach, I plan on doing video game recordings and probably other stuff to start off the new year and I'm also cutting down to 1 or 2 vids a week.
Glad I could help! :)

Anyways, I am likely bound to do some gaming again. B)
I've gone off on a journey to be a moderator at another forum, but this place will forever remain home for me~

Offline Localonthe8s

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Re: The Pot Belly Stove
« Reply #10813 on: December 15, 2009, 10:37:33 PM »
I closed my Action News account and will focus on uploading Action News clips and OCMopener videos to my account as well

Offline wxntrafficfan

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Re: The Pot Belly Stove
« Reply #10814 on: December 16, 2009, 01:45:01 AM »
Well, I always thought people would find it interesting that I post videos of multiple different units. I always find enjoyment in seeing all the different configurations, and seeing maps and whatnot from different angles. I've always thought I could compete with mwmnp25 when it comes to that, but oh well :P
I mean, recording from only one location is sort of boring, and it sort of comes back to what Patrick said, in that I upload a variety. I'm trying to cut back on Lansing recordings, and focus more on other units. But for some reason 22842 seems to be even less popular than 22840.

I tried to upload a couple commercials, i.e. the SunLife commercial about Florida and the latest Progressive commercial (where Flo says "Would you like one great big bag, or two still pretty big bags"?), but neither one really has done well, and I pulled the Progressive commercial right after I uploaded it.

Do people really care about seeing different units, or is that something I only get enjoyment out of?
« Last Edit: December 16, 2009, 01:04:46 PM by wxntrafficfan »
TWC in...
Lansing: Comcast, Channel 36, STAR ID 22840
E. Lansing: Comcast, Channel 40, STAR ID 22842
Lansing Area: Broadstripe, Channel 40, STAR ID 25349
Current STAR count: 32. Be sure to see my channel for links to all the uploads!

"Until you have lived with all of them in there with you day after day, week after week, year after frikkin year... you are in no position to judge me!" -Debra Barone, Everybody Loves Raymond