I went to Staples yesterday for Black Friday shopping. It just goes to show, if you have a game plan, know what you are getting and where you are going, then you should be able to get what you want in a timely manner. I got there just a few minutes before 4:30 AM EST (they opened at 6 AM EST). I went in there with my dad, and went straight for the portable HD I wanted (which I now use for all files on my laptop

), while I had my dad go back and get the keyboard and laptop chilling mat I wanted. We got all 3 items, then were straight for the checkout lane, at a time when only one of the 4 were in use. Target had the same HD for $60 (it was $70 at Staples), so I got them to price match and take an additional $10 off

I went right back in after I put the items in the car, to go see an EasyTech, and the checkout lanes were swamped.