Why is the forum so dead lately? 
I apologize for my own lack of participation. I have recently had to deal with some family issues as well as having been sick for several days. Both have put me behind.
I have a midterm but I'm not too worried about it. Most of my classes though have more frequent tests instead of a huge midterm and final.
Wow midterms already? Guess its getting to be that time
As for the IRC chat.....
Plus, a lot of the site news Martin announces is on the stream, so the majority of our members would have no idea what is going on with the site. I'm not trying to be offensive or anything, but that stream really needs to go, or at least just limit our time on it and make sure to share things on the forum too.
I disagree with that statement completely. I have not neglected to mention anything on the chat over the forum. People already limit their time on it as well. Quite frankly I only use it for a few min each day. I think the same goes for other users as well. The chat is not meant to replace the forum and it doesn't. It provides an environment similar to instant messaging where people can talk about their lives and chat about things perhaps they don't want to publicly post on the forum. In fact most people use separate clients just like an IM client.
If there is enough concern over having the chat, I will make a poll to determine if it should say based on majority vote.