Can someone please cheer me up? I'm going through some really bad times. 
Awww maybe a Smosh video would cheer you up!
4:44 AM pacific time (1:44 AM Eastern).
That would be 7:44 AM ET, actually. 
Whoops. I am a dork. 1:44 AM Pacific, 4:44 AM Eastern. Thanx for clearing that up, Stephen.
What's with fashion at school these days? I see lots of people in high school who dye their hair these weird colors like bright orange, pink, blue, and purple.
I don't know who they are trying to look like or if they're trying to attract a certain someone, but it just looks terrible.
Also, are sweatshirts the new "thing" when it's cold outside? I very seldom see most people wear coats anymore. There's no way sweatshirts could keep you warm during bitterly cold weather. They certainly don't keep me warm.
I wanted to add red streaks in my hair, but my mom won't let me. And the hoodies thing, I LOVE my Florida Gator sweatshirt my sister gave me on my 17th bday. I used to wear it every single day, even on days when the Gators play.

But overall, if people want to change their look just to attract someone, then that person is out of their mind and he or she will not win.