YOU need to start taking responsibility for my actions.
You blame me for EVERYTHING, and that is not fair at all. You seem to think you are perfect.

Say what? I need to take responsibility for YOUR actions? What kind of moron are you?
Gil, you are the tard. If you knew how to act we wouldn't have problems. I can't tell you how many times I've heard sorry from you on AIM. And you know what, its getting damn old. You aren't sorry in the least, and you don't intend to behave in the least. The only way I'm going to get any relief from you is to ban you, and that's what is going to happen real soon. You are the most spoiled rotten, self centered, irresponsible brat I have ever met. And you wonder why everyone blocks you on AIM. Whats to wonder about? I'm an asshole for not blocking you myself. I should've done it a long time ago, but unfortunately my heart is bigger than my brain.
I didn't say that. You need to take responsibility for YOUR actions, instead of blaming me. I do start arguments and stuff, and i take responsibility for it, but when you contribute to it just as much, if not more, and say its totally my fault, thats not right. The moment you post in an argument, you are locked in as a contributor to it. i'm not saying you need to be responsible for what I do, but you need to be responsible for YOUR posts.
Now, i'm not going to go crazy and repeat what happened on TWC Classics. I really do like thi forum, and the last thing I want is to be banned, but its VERY
frustrating when I'm blamed for posts i did not make.