I just got a call, and it was a local number, but the caller ID said "US GOV'T", so I decided to answer, and he says, Kyle?, and I said, yes?, He's like "You Ready To Go Back To SChool"... blah blah. Then he says he wants to screen me to see if I'm qualified for the Marine Corps. I told him I wasn't interested and he's like "You Don't have to be interested" and then I hung up.
No sooner do I hang up, he calls again, and said "Hi, I'm Sgt So and So from the Marines and I am calling to get a hold of Kyle, he hung up on me before. I just want to get a little information from him, it was VERY RUDE he hung up on me". Wow, was i ticked. It's rude to call me AGAIN after I CLEARLY stated I wasn't interested