so i guess i could use a little bit more help on a situation i'm currently facing :
concerning my job - yesterday i met up with two of my friends at the josephine theatre, we went to see a show another one of our friends was in - so i met up with Chase and Audra at around 230 and they asked how i was etc, and if i had put in my two weeks yet for my job (they've already graduated, this past year [2008]) - i told 'em no...
hahaha apparently they thought i would quit before school started so they asked "so what, next week?"
i told 'em then i told them i plan on keeping it through the school year.however both thought it was a bad idea - because it was my senior year and first (before they even asked) i gave it serious thought, i figured ok, i can do this...but they reminded me that, i still need to do college applications, improve SATs and ACTs (haven't taken the ACT - I already registered for the first test in september) scores, and extra curricular activities (choir, ap music theory), and not the mention homework, so later that night-i went into work in a pretty depressed mood, thinking over what they told me - being my senior year...and came to the conclusion i should probably go with Chase's and Audra's advice and put in my two weeks, however i told myself i'll wait until september, after my probation period and see if i get a raise
i told chase and audra, that you know - money is an issue...
for those who didn't know, the Alamo Heights Choir is planning a trip to Hawaii in April of 2009, and that means the world to me, going with my senior friends, hanging out with each other for one last, and final time before we depart.
advice, anyone - at this point i really don't know what to do.