I didn't go to school today. Didn't feel like it plus I don't have to take finals today either.
Skipping school...that's a nice habit to get into. 
* beanboy89 takes pride in near-perfect high school attendance record.

Notice he says Near-Perfect (not mentioning the day where he had that huge hangover
Nah, close, but no cigar.

I missed two days my Freshman year: November 18th and December 15th, 2003.
On November 18, I missed a half day due to an emergency doctor's appointment because I fell on a wet sidewalk and my elbow needed X-rayed because I thought I might have broken it. That was the only time I needed to go to the emergency room, too.
On December 15, I had a serious cold or flu, probably a flu because I remember having really bad chills, plus it was right in the peak of flu season. I also remember that was the day Winamp 5.0 was released.