is it just me, or is the age group getting smaller and smaller.
i now see we have a ten year old. 
we're being attacked! ahhh.
Yeah, I've noticed this. Seems the average age of the forum is decreasing with each new membership.
which all together could be a good thing...seeing that most of us grow tired of what TWC has turned into today, and these dare i call them...youngsters (ah! i'm old! ew) seem to love it. kinda traditional if you ask me.
SORRY. but i am having a really hard time interpreting that post.
well lets see...gary, matt, and many other older members used to love twc back in the (what 80's/90's - btw i'm not calling ya'll old!! lol), however eventually grew tired of what it has become (i believe so anyway)...we come along in 2000 (ish) love it then, then grew tired of it we have these younger people comeing loving it now, who will eventually themselves grow tired of twc...
get it? got it? good.
yeah i could have worded it better i guess. i'm just too lazy.

random - this was my 400th post =)