3. Dimmers. People like them, they should be able to use them.
They can. There are special CFLs out there that are compatible with dimmer switches.
BUT, do they cost the same or more than "normal" CFL bulbs?
Steve, I haven't had a single CFL that didn't start out dim at first 
That's correct, they do start out dim, but I actually don't mind that. I mean, I don't want to be blinded by the full brightness of the light every time I turn it on when I wake up in the morning.
And besides, I usually keep it on all day (except when I go to school but even then, when I get home and turn my light on, I usually have to go get something before I can settle down, so the bulb usually warms up almost completely by then.).
So...They don't give off instant light then? By instant light, I was referring to them giving off FULL brightness the second you turn them on, like incandescents to.
I don't like the idea of having to wait a single second for a light having to warm up. It should be instantanious. I think they need to go work out some of the kinks of these bulbs, before they ban the competition bulbs for good. I don't think t hey should ban them at all. They should let the consumers chose what they want to use. (I feel the same way about the DTV change, and the discontinuation of analog cell phones).