Sounds like CFL's are a piece of crap, which they are. Stephen, you have absolutely NO argument on this one. The cons outweigh the pro's by far.
Here's a little bit of "light" basics/rules:
1. They should be able to be used in any location. Obviously CFL's aren't...
2. Instant light is a given. You should NEVER have to WAIT for light to come on.
3. Dimmers. People like them, they should be able to use them.
Regarding the law about banning them: What the

.These things are obviously pieces of shit, and do more bad than good. The *******ONLY******* pro about them is that they save energy, and for most, thats not a tremendously big issue. Damn republicans.
-Gil, who proudly doesn't own a single CFL bulb. And never will.