LOL, I can't imagine how. I have just the opposite problem. I have facial hair and everything, yet people still think I'm 14 or 15 years hold. Hello! Have you ever seen a 14 or 15 year old with facial hair? I doubt it. 
They must think 14 or 15 year olds are Chia pets. 
I have to admit though, it seems to be happening less and less. It used to be that every single time I would go to,say, the lottery counter I'd get carded, because the clerk would swear I was a teenager. Most of the time now though I don't get carded anymore (BTW, for those who don't know, carded means being asked to show ID to prove your age).
I don't mean that I have LOTS of facial hair. I have this moustache goatee combo type thing (where the moustache and chin hair look like they connect). But I don't have like, a full beard, or anything like that.