word of advice to those staying in resident halls/dorm rooms...don't ever set off the fire alarms overnight. you'll be dead the next morning.

During my freshman year I lived in a dorm building just for freshmen. Idiots set the fire alarm off in the middle of the night at least three or four nights a week every single week. And I'm not exaggerating, either.
The fire department was just down the street, but they had to not only check for a fire, but also check every single room to make sure that everyone has evacuated the building. (As the school year went on, more and more people stayed in the building for obvious reasons, even though they got in serious trouble for it.) The average time we spent standing in the street in the middle of the night was just under three hours. During the winter they usually opened the lobby of the student union for us to get out of the cold, but that stopped after the fifth or sixth alarm in a row, so from that night on we had to stand outside no matter what the weather was.
Because of all that, I started sleeping in a full set of clothes with my boots or shoes (depending on the weather) and my coat right next to my bed. It honestly took years and years and years for me to get out of the habit of wearing street clothes at night - it really did! To this day, my heart literally stops whenever I hear anything that sounds like that fire alarm, especially if it's at night.