Awesome Music Video... Ana would agree! 
WHAT THE FIRETRUCK? Yeah, I'll agree. It's a catchy song, and a catchy phrase. I think I'll have the habit of saying it!
<--oh wait, I'll just add it as my personal text.

I was driving home this evening and some
pulled in front of me and I had to run into the curb. Lost a hubcap! I ended up taking a walk tonight found it 
People are stupid. I don't trust anyone on the road but myself. You've got people like the one Martin dealt with, who think it's cool to pull out in front of you. You got people who don't go the speed limit (which REALLY gets me), people who don't stop at a stopsign. People who don't go on a green light. NOT USING A SIGNAL!!! (I hate this), people who stop when turning right on a green light, people who don't yield (they stop at the line) when turning left on green. Need I go on..
To those who don't drive yet; when you do drive, PLEASE be smart about it.
Good speech! When I actually do get to driving age in 2 years, safety will be my first priority... following the rules of the road. I saw some dumb
yesterday running as many stop signs as possible, almost broadsiding us, and plus, she was going 60 through those stop signs. This was in a neighborhood with a 25 mph speed limit.
Some people can't drive.
I'm still in the process of the whole "getting my license". And here in my area, about 90% of the drivers here do not obey the speed limit, because they just don't give a damn about it. My parents are both among the 90%.

Once I get on the busy roads (lately I've been practicing my driving skillz by driving around the neighborhood lol) then I'll have to go against those lousy drivers on 4th street and Imperial Avenue. Of course, I have someone next to me who's monitoring. I'll have to agree with Kyle K. on that.. don't trust anyone on the road.
Mexicali is worse.. which is why I refuse to drive across the border.