So glad the seemingly eternal search is over Patrick! Adding to your optimism, Comcast gives "new" customers a much cheaper rate for the first year of service. For almost two years, my dad got away with a cheaper rate because he kept moving.
Also, the advanced class (TV Media) had our first meeting this morning, as it was decided who would do what for the end of the year announcements (pretty much a precursor to next year's announcements). They're done after the seniors are gone (their last day this year is a week from this Thursday). I am of course going to do my own weather segment on it, and everyone there knew I would

I will make sure to ask to be the one who uploads it to youtube on the Vision's channel. Either way, we're looking at most likely either next Friday (the 4th) or the following Monday (the 7th) for carrying it out. I will make sure to share the video with all