Whew! Missed a lot the past few days. Lots of stress-free relaxation, and for once, I was finally able to get a leg up on stress, instead of having it added on. Got a new lime green adirondack chair for my deck today, and I'm excited for the hot weather coming up this week. Hoping it hits 90.
Glad to see from the looks of it Patrick finally got a job after this long (seemingly unending) search.
As for Josh, nice error! Sure wish I could see it. I wouldn't say his STAR should be scrapped, lol. Seems like the narration skipping is my glitch (more prominent here), and I've noticed some consistent freezing and aborting in the late-nite hours lately.
Sheesh, had enough earthquakes Ana?

I've never experienced one (thank goodness I live in the middle of the plate

). Hope all is okay.
As to my social life, things have been up and down. The vast majority of the social stresses are over, but I'm still at the same spot I have been. Not necessarily hell here, and I have been accepted in more areas. Things are slowly improving.
I'm learning from the vast amount of mistakes I made junior year. Junior year has been the worst year of my life, and things have consistently gone wrong. Just as things look up and I make adjustments to recent events, something else goes on. It's not easy living multiple lives, one on the internet, one at school, and one at home and with family. Not only were there issues on the internet (far too elaborate to explain fully here), but my laptop's hard drive failed, the weather was not all that great, the hard drive I bought to back up my laptop's files failed, there were several extreme ups and downs at school (academically and socially), there was the graphics update in March right on the heels of major state testing, the updates to my Intellistar, and we've got a hectic week coming up.
My mom's car has to go in for hundreds of dollars of repairs tomorrow, we just got new furniture, the downstairs has to be painted now, one of my cats ruined my mattress (I had to sleep on the box spring for a couple of nights), and the cats are being declawed on Wednesday.
But you know, I'm learning from my mistakes.
1) I keep copies of every last file that is on my laptop on my desktop's main hard drive.
2) I'm looking at taking tennis lessons this year, and sticking through with it this go around.
3) I've put myself in the job market
I'm trying to spend less time in front of a computer screen. It has ultimately caused far more harm than good. I'm hoping to go hurricane hunting soon, as previously mentioned. I also need to save up a few hundred bucks for a new processor for my desktop. The one I have now works, but it's a little slow. I want to get an Intel i7, but that may be quite a few months down the road.
Speaking of the laptop's portable hard drive, I gave it another whirl Friday night, and got about 2/3 of my Bay City clips along with several St Ignace clips back. Now however, the thing won't even spin.