so far I only have to take only 1 or two finals. In my school there's a policy where you only have to take finals if your average is below a 92.5. If you have an A average for the year (93+) then you're exempt from finals.
Here in reality (Michigan), life isn't so great

We have to take all exams, no exceptions. However, seniors don't take their second semester finals, since they graduate the weekend before the last week of school.
A couple of years ago, the state of Michigan decided to toughen up graduation requirements for high school students. It took effect for the class of 2011 (my class), and all following classes. They eliminated the communications credit (I'm getting it anyway with the Advanced Class next year), and here are the other requirements:
- 4 Math credits
- 4 English credits
- 3 Social Studies credits
- 3 Science credits
- 1 P.E./Health credit
- 1 Visual, Performing, and Applied Arts credit
With Math, we're required to take Geometry, Algebra I, Algebra II, and a senior year math class. In Science, we are required to take Biology and Chemistry. In Social Studies, US History/Geography, Economy and Civics (each a half credit), and World History/Geography (used to be separate classes... but they have been crammed into one).
Supposedly, word has been going around that the state of Michigan is reverting these requirements back... for all classes following the class of 2011. Neat huh?
Also, we have a Flood Watch for tomorrow through southern Michigan. Odd how it is not showing up on my NWS's homepage.