I just had my first day of high school. I'm getting pretty tired from walking the entire place.
Our campus is rather ... um smallish, i guess compared to other schools.
http://breeze.ahisd.net:8080/p82312844/some may be able to view it, others may not it's a "slide show" if you will. if you can get it to work, wait until the second slide comes up, then click on Alamo Heights High School, after that there's a sky view picture of our school, and if you want to you can also check out the new facilities they've added that just got completed this year, those would be slides 41-45.
In the sky view picture of my school, the building towards the bottom of the screen is referred to South Hall - Downstairs is where Spanish Classes are hosted, while upstairs is the English Department. Next is the building going up somewhat in the middle, central hall...downstairs are randomly placed classrooms (such as speech, home ec., etc) upstairs would be the new computer lab rooms (we call them CRCs) those were orinigally the science rooms but the science department has gotten a building all to them selves which is one of the new facilities. then after that is north hall where history/math courses are hosted.
ok enough with my long post, i'm done