So, I had the wildest day yesterday.
So this past weekend I went to San Antonio for one night to spend time with my sister, I stayed in her apartment in all and everything was fine. On sunday, I leave back to San Angelo and a horrible amount of luck struck me.
This isn't so much bad luck, but i might as well throw it in my friend drove on I10 in Fredricksberg, we saw a man lying face down on the side of the road, it was unclear if he was died or what not but there were people stopping and checking out the scene...I was going to call 911 but i figured someone else probably called it in.
So we get to junction, all is well here - we stop to take a break, my buddy Drew was tired from the night before and asked me to take the wheel from Junction to San Angelo. Well, about an hour and 30 mins after I took over...i get pulled over by a trooper (not a cop, a trooper) for accidentally speeding 80 in a 70 -- my excuse? (i didn't tell the cop this, but it really was an accident) I had just came from I10 were the speed limit is 80 and simply forgotten that the speed limit had change despite the few signs posted. so, the trooper was douche, and a hick and overall racist. I took the ticket and left, the whole scene only took like a joke. he asked for my driver's license went back to the car wrote up the ticket, I signed and then left.
So from there on out, I constantly checked my speedometer like i should have been doing in the first place lol to ensure that I won't get pulled over again. We get to San Angelo, and I realize that I'm not wearing my graduation ring (it's my most valuable thing that means something to me and my goodluck charm), and freaked out because I don't remember leaving my sister's house with it, I call her up and she said she couldn't find it...from there I just gave it the "F*** it" attitude and proceeded to stay up until midnight to register for classes in the Fall. While staying up, I watched the Spurs vs. Mavs game which was not even a game at all, the referees made horrible calls and over all sucked at their jobs. I wasn't expecting Spurs to win, but at the same time I wasn't expecting them to lose to a cheating team.
anyway, after all is said and done, I go to bed at around 3am worried about my graduation ring...i eventually fall asleep and woke up at 8 this morning -- today has overall been a good day, and has gotten better. i called my sister back and she said she found my ring.

things can only get better. haha