lol guys, my mom and I also saw the same kind of tree near Haslett on my way home from school... and she thought it looked like snow as well

Mike and Christina, I've just been having a few problems with some students, and I don't know if I want to keep trying to talk to people.
But anyways Christina, allow me to get you up to speed. Haslett High School (where I go to school), has it's own TV station, which is amongst the best school-run TV channels in the country (don't listen to what Mike says... j/k

). It broadcasts it's own feed through Comcast on Channel 22 for viewers of 22842... in Haslett, the E.L., and select areas in Okemos. Usually once a week, one group of students puts together a news-ish broadcast. It consists of a mix of programs we film and put together on editing software, and live on-air anchor segments. Other students man the control room and cameras, etc. There are 4 groups of students, with about 24 students in all. You have to take a TV Media Issues class (which I am this semester), and also do a remote shoot. This is where you go to a performance, play, etc, and man a camera filming it. It also involves an application. I had to type a 3 page essay, get 2 people to look it over and revise it, and I also had to ask 3 teachers for letters of recommendation. After about a month, Mr. Town (the director, if you will, of the Vision program), posted the list of 24 or so students that got on for next year, and I was amongst them!