haha, fail (the picture I have attached)

But anyways, adding into that discussion about lawn mowers, I found a really good one at Sears on my way back from Howell yesterday afternoon. A really good Honda/Craftsmen mower for $336. 21", self-propelled gas engine. Gotta have self propelled...
Adding onto my post here, anyone remember that issue I brought up yesterday, regarding that burnt plastic smell I was noticing with my desktop's power supply? I went all the way down to Howell

And dropped off my desktop computer. An Easy Tech I've known for years (who moved from the Lansing store out to the Howell store) looked at it this morning. I'm glad I did not just go with replacing the power supply. He found the burning smell to actually be coming from the computer's graphics card. The graphics card's fan has actually gone kaput, so it is stuck and won't turn. Not surprising with all the things I've done with it. But anyways, I bought that graphics card new in February 2008. I'm hoping I bought the protection plan on it. If I did, then I can just swap out this one for a new one (or at least the cost of the old one can go towards a new one), with only the cost of installation to be concerned about. But if I did not, I'm running at least $200, with both the cost of the new card and the installation. This is not to mention, I probably should buy a new power supply (nothing was wrong with this, but a new graphics card would probably require a bigger power supply than the one I'm using).
Point being, I probably won't have the computer back until Tuesday. I'll try to record WUWA on Monday and Tuesday with my laptop, but if there's something you missed, I only have files from up through yesterday at noon.