I actually don't mind the CFL lights, and I've somehow gotten my entire house to use them. The appearance is always hidden by some sort of lampshade, and they don't take any more time to turn on than an incandescent bulb.
But anyways, I'm what you would call a 'lazy environmentalist', as it has been dubbed on Forecast Earth. I'm not going to go way out of my way to go green (go off the grid, buy organic products, drive a smart car, etc). But I take dozens of little steps a day to lessen my carbon footprint. As mentioned, I am adamate (however you spell that) about turning things off when I leave the room. I have to keep turning off my sister's overhead light as she leaves her room... and it makes me mad when she goes back to the room just to turn it on and leaves. I will even turn the TV and lights off when I'm only out of the room for 10 seconds. I take 10 minute showers... period.
Speaking of little steps, there's a Rite Aid right by Sparrow, across the street from me, and I go there every couple of daze when I want some sort of a snack. I just bought a reusable cloth-type bag to use every time I go there from now on.
Honestly, if we all could do even little steps like the ones I've mentioned... it would have an enormous impact. You don't have to go way out of your way... just be environmentally minded when you are using something that impacts the environment.
I am a little bothered that most areas are powered by coal... and the power plant where my power comes from is a coal plant. That's part of why I do a lot of the green things I do. I'm totally for nuclear, solar, and hydro-electric power. I don't buy this 'clean coal' concept at all. You know, on the game that I used to play, SimCity 4, there are several types of power plants you can put in your city. I noticed one called Hydrogen (not hydroelectric), that I'm guessing works the same way hydrogen fuel cell cars do. I saw somewhere that one of these plants was being built somewhere in California, but I haven't seen one before. Perhaps this is the power of the future?
*Aaron steps off his soapbox