So, pretty soon I will start bouncing back up, but I will start using the PC more often. I have limits, tho, because my PC is in my older sister's room. So... no more "Stay Up With Ray" til further notice...

About college...I'm on day 2...I gotz two classes to take: Political Science and Intro to Music (both are required to take in order to transfer to a university.
I loved Beginning Algebra w/ Emphasis in Graphing class. Being in that class almost makes me feel like I am a math geek. But I do need the math in the future.
DAY TWO: College
haha, i'm gonna make this into a jk 
today is day two of college...unfortunately I had to be up at 7 to be at a class that starts at 8, little did I know...the class is a two hour class. LOL, and that class is TV Production -- I LOVE IT. there is a lecture from 8:15-9:00 and a lab from 9:00-10:00, my professor/teacher gave us a tour around the Studio Facilities, and luckily this year RAMTV6 (our on campus TV Station) is converting to Full HD -- the studio; while small, is divided up into four sets...two sets are going to be brand new, the other two are being refreshed for the HD Transition. I'm pretty stoked about my tuesday/thursday classes!
oh and if you're wondering "shouldn't he be in class until 10?!", we were released early. 
Usually in the first week of classes you may get released early because basically during the first week is all about introductions, "Get to know you" stuff, textbook information, etc. By the 2nd week, then you may get out at the time you supposed to get out, and hopefully the real work begins...haha.
today is day two of college...unfortunately I had to be up at 7 to be at a class that starts at 8, little did I know...the class is a two hour class. LOL, and that class is TV Production -- I LOVE IT.
That sounds like an awesome class, maybe I can find something like that here at UT, if I do I'll take it next semester.
Anyway I had my first day of the semester yesterday. First off I need to go on a rant about parking at UT.
Freshmen get the K parking pass meaning that they can only park on two lots that are on the opposite end of the campus that my classes are on, to be a Sophomore and get the C pass (regular commuter, most lots are C lots) you need 30 credit hours... I have 29 and have already been at UT for a full year! No matter how much I begged and pleaded they wouldn't give me a C pass so I told them to stick it where the sun don't shine and I parked in the C lot anyway. It is just a short walk from there to my classes. Thank goodness I didn't get a ticket and I hope I won't since my classes are so late (I'm there from 5:45 to 8:35 for two classes).
The first class I had was Micro-Computer Applications in Business (essentially computing 101) and it made me want to hang myself right there, the class is literally "this is how Windows works, this is how Office works"

The second class was Calculus II with Business Application, first off these two huge guys walk in late smelling like cigarette smoke and one sits right in front of me so I can't see the board and the other sits to the right of me so the whole time I couldn't see and couldn't breathe. However when the professor started talking I couldn't remember how to do anything then he did a refresher on derivatives and it's all starting to come back to me so I hope I'll do well in the class.
Just make sure you don't get caught, Kyle

Speaking of parking, my college is open during construction and the traffic is HORRIBLE. All of the construction equipment are occupying about 100 parking spaces and no one is allowed to park outside the college (since my college is located in the middle of nowhere). I have some buddies that have to come to school about an hour before class starts just to find a space to park.