If I could get a PowerMac G4 Cube, maxed out with a PowerLogix Dual 1.5GHz G4 upgrade, DVD-RW, 23" Apple HD Cinema Display (the acrylic one), Final Cut Pro 2, and DVD Studio Pro 1.5 all in OS 9.2, I'd be in heaven. I'd take that over my MBP. The only issue is that most sites I go to (YouTube) won't work in any browser that I know of on OS 9.
I've convinced myself that I will never own an Intel Mac. It just goes against everything I stand for.
The PowerBook is a 1400c/166 in fantastic condition.
I used to have one of those, I think it was a 1400c/144 though, it was my first Apple laptop. My parents got it for me on my birthday when I was in 7th grade.... oh I miss those days...