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Author Topic: The Front Porch  (Read 2157689 times)

Offline Concentric Eyewall

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Re: The Front Porch
« Reply #6000 on: June 13, 2008, 12:39:29 AM »
It means that this topic has the most replies in TWC Today franchise history.

Again, so?

Offline Gil

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Re: The Front Porch
« Reply #6001 on: June 13, 2008, 01:03:26 AM »
Sorry for the double post, but i'm going to sleep right now. I will see you here tomorrow. But for now, Bye.
Thanks for that incredibly vital piece of information. Definitely deserved a double post. :rolleyes:
~TWC forum member since 2005~
"It is hard to do positive things with ignorance and delusion."

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Re: The Front Porch
« Reply #6002 on: June 13, 2008, 02:33:45 AM »
Congrats on the job, AL :D

What a night I had.  I left my house around 3:30, because I had a meeting at work at 4.  Everytime before I go to work, I check the weather.  It was muggy, with a tornado watch til 8.  Okay..whatever.  So, I go to work, and during the meeting, it starts to rain..whoo.'s just cloudy.  Then around 8 PM, it starts getting kind of dark..okay.  Then, we notice street lights coming on.  I was taking an order, and all of the sudden I hear tornado sirens going off..and all of the sudden, my phone goes off.  Couldn't answer it..b/c I was dealing with customers.  Then, we got a call for one of the managers saying GO TO THE after going outside, me and another employee went out there, the wind picked up..and very vivid cloud-to-ground lightning.  So, we go to the cooler.  Well..then i get a call on my phone from a friend of mine saying that there is a tornado in RI, then another call saying that there is a funnel at the airport..YIKES.

So, after that ends, we turn the lights back on.  Boss calls and says McDonald's parking lot is flooded, so we will probably get busy.  And we did.  Then... we slow down a bit, and I am back on dishes, and all of the sudden I heard more sirens (this was like 1.5 hours later)  I go outside..and all I see is lightning, no rain, and the wind as CALM as could be.  (There really is a calm before the storm).  So, Boss calls and says GO TO THE COOLEr..well, of course, I didn't.  I went out the door.  So I told the manager I was with to come out here, and all the sudden I said HOLY SHIT!  I could have sworn I saw a funnel cloud.  I wasn't 100% sure, but it sure did look like it.  So not even 2 or 3 minutes later,my uncle (General Manager) calls the store and I answer, and he says that there was a tornado reported on the ground at TPC (a golf course..which is 10 minutes away from where work is), and I was like I KNEW IT.  I COULD HAEV SWORN I SEEN A FUNNEL.  So, I definitely did see the beginnings of that tornado. 

Soo, I headed home, and there is MAJOR flooding in my neighborhood.  I have a nice pond in my back yard.  Tonight was exciting, but would have been more exciting if I wasn't working :D.

So..point of story, there was 2 tornado warnings out tonight, which has never happened here to my knowledge, since I can remember.

Sorry for the book.  If you even read it, THANK YOU :D

Offline Tyler

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Re: The Front Porch
« Reply #6003 on: June 13, 2008, 08:51:31 AM »
It means that this topic has the most replies in TWC Today franchise history.
Since when was TWCT a franchise? And as stated be CE, who cares?

Sorry for the double post, but i'm going to sleep right now. I will see you here tomorrow. But for now, Bye.
Thank you for issuing a good-bye statement sir. However, for the record, we don't really care. Thanks. :yes:

Offline Concentric Eyewall

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Re: The Front Porch
« Reply #6004 on: June 13, 2008, 10:44:04 AM »
Congrats on the job, AL :D

What a night I had.  I left my house around 3:30, because I had a meeting at work at 4.  Everytime before I go to work, I check the weather.  It was muggy, with a tornado watch til 8.  Okay..whatever.  So, I go to work, and during the meeting, it starts to rain..whoo.'s just cloudy.  Then around 8 PM, it starts getting kind of dark..okay.  Then, we notice street lights coming on.  I was taking an order, and all of the sudden I hear tornado sirens going off..and all of the sudden, my phone goes off.  Couldn't answer it..b/c I was dealing with customers.  Then, we got a call for one of the managers saying GO TO THE after going outside, me and another employee went out there, the wind picked up..and very vivid cloud-to-ground lightning.  So, we go to the cooler.  Well..then i get a call on my phone from a friend of mine saying that there is a tornado in RI, then another call saying that there is a funnel at the airport..YIKES.

So, after that ends, we turn the lights back on.  Boss calls and says McDonald's parking lot is flooded, so we will probably get busy.  And we did.  Then... we slow down a bit, and I am back on dishes, and all of the sudden I heard more sirens (this was like 1.5 hours later)  I go outside..and all I see is lightning, no rain, and the wind as CALM as could be.  (There really is a calm before the storm).  So, Boss calls and says GO TO THE COOLEr..well, of course, I didn't.  I went out the door.  So I told the manager I was with to come out here, and all the sudden I said HOLY SHIT!  I could have sworn I saw a funnel cloud.  I wasn't 100% sure, but it sure did look like it.  So not even 2 or 3 minutes later,my uncle (General Manager) calls the store and I answer, and he says that there was a tornado reported on the ground at TPC (a golf course..which is 10 minutes away from where work is), and I was like I KNEW IT.  I COULD HAEV SWORN I SEEN A FUNNEL.  So, I definitely did see the beginnings of that tornado. 

Soo, I headed home, and there is MAJOR flooding in my neighborhood.  I have a nice pond in my back yard.  Tonight was exciting, but would have been more exciting if I wasn't working :D.

So..point of story, there was 2 tornado warnings out tonight, which has never happened here to my knowledge, since I can remember.

Sorry for the book.  If you even read it, THANK YOU :D

Kyle, I read the whole thing. :D  Tornados are a hit-or-miss kind of thing, and you certainly got the hit!  What did the customers do?  Certainly they didn't go to the cooler..

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Re: The Front Porch
« Reply #6005 on: June 13, 2008, 11:00:48 AM »
I'm starting off between $6.50 & $7.00 an hour

That's it?

As for how its used, I would have to work for the cable company to know why they do as they do. I'm sure a call or e-mail would answer your question.

Ask your father :P

We made it to page 400 of The Front Porch!


He wouldn't know anything about that. :no:

Roland, let me just say...your really upsetting me.  :furious:

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Re: The Front Porch
« Reply #6006 on: June 13, 2008, 11:05:51 AM »
Welcome to our newest member, yourweathertoday!  :sunglasses: :welcome:

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Re: The Front Porch
« Reply #6007 on: June 13, 2008, 11:06:39 AM »
haha..for sure.  Well, we were quite busy, as I mentioned before.  After the last order, and the call to go to the cooler was issued, we had to stop serving customers, which they were okay.  Some people asked if we were serving, we said no, and they said "that's what I thought" ha..

But yea, It wasn't a good business night.  I think labor was at 21%, and a good/avg night should be 16/17%

Oh yea, and Kanye West, Rhiana, and some other band were at the local arena last night, and NO BODY had any idea what was going on.  I talked to a couple of friends who went, and they said EVERYTHING around the arena was in water...CARAZY
« Last Edit: June 13, 2008, 11:48:35 AM by wxmediafan »

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Re: The Front Porch
« Reply #6008 on: June 13, 2008, 12:18:54 PM »
School is officially OUT!!! I'm now an 11th grader.  :twothumbs:

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Re: The Front Porch
« Reply #6009 on: June 13, 2008, 12:21:46 PM »
Same here school's over. :D

Offline Tyler

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Re: The Front Porch
« Reply #6010 on: June 13, 2008, 01:19:43 PM »
Wow you get out late, Mike. :yes:

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Re: The Front Porch
« Reply #6011 on: June 13, 2008, 02:11:38 PM »
Wow you get out late, Mike. :yes:
Not for us. This is the earliest I've gotten out since 7th grade. We've had many years where we've gone out later, such as June 20 in 8th grade (2006).

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Re: The Front Porch
« Reply #6012 on: June 13, 2008, 03:07:05 PM »
I'm starting off between $6.50 & $7.00 an hour

That's it?

well yeah, not very experienced - first was better than what other places were offering me... $6 an hour.

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Re: The Front Porch
« Reply #6013 on: June 13, 2008, 03:10:41 PM »
I'm starting off between $6.50 & $7.00 an hour

That's it?

Well, Dan, Texas' minimum wage is a lot lower than the lucky ones in Illinois.

I believe Illinois min. wage goes up to $7.75 July 1st :yes:  The highest Minimum wage is $8.07 in Washington.

In Texas it is the same as the federal, 5.85.  So, technically, because Al is under 18, he is getting paid pretty okay, since kids under 18 do not have to get paid minimum.

well yeah, not very experienced - first was better than what other places were offering me... $6 an hour.

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Re: The Front Porch
« Reply #6014 on: June 13, 2008, 03:17:22 PM »
Congrats on the job, AL :D

What a night I had.  I left my house around 3:30, because I had a meeting at work at 4.  Everytime before I go to work, I check the weather.  It was muggy, with a tornado watch til 8.  Okay..whatever.  So, I go to work, and during the meeting, it starts to rain..whoo.'s just cloudy.  Then around 8 PM, it starts getting kind of dark..okay.  Then, we notice street lights coming on.  I was taking an order, and all of the sudden I hear tornado sirens going off..and all of the sudden, my phone goes off.  Couldn't answer it..b/c I was dealing with customers.  Then, we got a call for one of the managers saying GO TO THE after going outside, me and another employee went out there, the wind picked up..and very vivid cloud-to-ground lightning.  So, we go to the cooler.  Well..then i get a call on my phone from a friend of mine saying that there is a tornado in RI, then another call saying that there is a funnel at the airport..YIKES.

So, after that ends, we turn the lights back on.  Boss calls and says McDonald's parking lot is flooded, so we will probably get busy.  And we did.  Then... we slow down a bit, and I am back on dishes, and all of the sudden I heard more sirens (this was like 1.5 hours later)  I go outside..and all I see is lightning, no rain, and the wind as CALM as could be.  (There really is a calm before the storm).  So, Boss calls and says GO TO THE COOLEr..well, of course, I didn't.  I went out the door.  So I told the manager I was with to come out here, and all the sudden I said HOLY SHIT!  I could have sworn I saw a funnel cloud.  I wasn't 100% sure, but it sure did look like it.  So not even 2 or 3 minutes later,my uncle (General Manager) calls the store and I answer, and he says that there was a tornado reported on the ground at TPC (a golf course..which is 10 minutes away from where work is), and I was like I KNEW IT.  I COULD HAEV SWORN I SEEN A FUNNEL.  So, I definitely did see the beginnings of that tornado. 

Soo, I headed home, and there is MAJOR flooding in my neighborhood.  I have a nice pond in my back yard.  Tonight was exciting, but would have been more exciting if I wasn't working :D.

So..point of story, there was 2 tornado warnings out tonight, which has never happened here to my knowledge, since I can remember.

Sorry for the book.  If you even read it, THANK YOU :D

wow that must have been an exciting night! i probably would have like stayed outside and watch it form hahaha.

the last time we've had a tornado warning for San Antonio (Bexar County) was forever and a day ago. :p. - though in your case, it was an actual tornado. awesome!

i believe it was back in 2005 - it was during the overnight hours on a school night, i was obviously asleep...and was awakened to loud thunder, consistent lightning, and heavy rain. i decided to check up on the weather channel, and saw there was a tornado warning in effect for bexar county - it soon gave some specific locations and simply said "a funnel cloud was reported by trained spotters near the city of Terrel Hills and Alamo Heights"...or something along that line. shortly after that the power blew out, but nothing was confirmed. haha