well. i've officially decided to change my major. i've had my heart set to getting a degree in meteorology, but it doesn't seem like it will happen...sadly as it is, i decided to not proceed a major in atmospheric science/meteorology after all, but rather broadcast journalism, and possibly minor in atmospheric science/meteorology instead. i have a lot of universities in mind that i researched tonight, just in texas alone. i'm quite excited for my senior year...which starts in...
OMG six weeks! (of course i consider myself a senior after the graduation of the class of 2008)

, then summer. but wow it's really scary, for me at least, but yet kinda exciting at the same time.
i dunno about you guys also graduating in '09, but i'm ready to get the hell outta my high school. hahaha.
of course - i'm going to have a really hard time letting go this year senior friends, i've grown so close to them...they know stuff about me that i simply can't talk to anyone else about. it leaves me with so many questions...what's going to happen to our friendship? Will it fade way? Or possibly end right after graduation? If not, will it last?