Yearbooks here are $80. They are in full color, and are hard covered so it's worth the $80. I was able to order mine.
Yearbooks here are only $35 (they were $32 dollars in previous years, though), yet they are also in full color, and are hard covered. 
So are mine, and its included with the fees we pay every year at the begining of the school year.
Back at the highschool today, man I hope you kids arn't as annoying as these ones are...
These ones are interested in weather, how can they be so annoying?! Period just ended, time to go back to the station..
I deal with some really annoying person in my class who NEVER wants to leave me alone. I try to be nice about it, but it doesn't work. Finally when I ask to be left alone(In a VERY nice and respectful way), the teacher screams at me. Man is the school special ed system messed up these days. Student, ADD to the max. Teacher, b*tch (for lack of a better word) to the max...