I am all for death of a criminal if he commits an unimaginable act like killing a cop or another respected figure, goes on a mass murder spree or does domestic terrorism.
Personally I value taking anyones life as an unimaginable act, not just if they are a cop or respected figure. I never understood why the legal systems values one life over another based on that. A life is a life. Doesn't matter if its Bob who works at the paper mill or Bob who is a famous actor.
No matter how heinous a crime is, or how evil a person is, I do not wish death on anybody. I have no bones about saying that. And imagine if years down the road, it was proved that Davis really didn't do it? They couldn't even find a weapon!!!!!! 
So if I go kill 50 people for no reason at all in cold blood you support the government paying my food, water, clothing, medical care and security requirements for the rest of my life? Why not put that money towards the poor or programs to help troubled kids before they make a bad decision in life? I respect people who value life but if you are going to kill someone you forfeit the right to live in my opinion. The world is not perfect and we have to make tough decisions in life. The good of the masses sometimes outweighs the individual.
Now this is a heated topic and sensitive issues. We all have our different opinions and in this case I think we all need to agree to disagree. The porch is about to close so I suggest we talk about other subjects