The good news: I'm here in North Dakota and the temperature has not gotten above 85. The stiff breeze also helps.
The bad news: the stuff I was shipping to Grand Forks got placed on the wrong truck, and now my stuff is sitting somewhere in Bismarck. And I won't get it until Monday, so until then, I can't move into my dorm room.
Best part of the day: first day the dorms were open, and two kids have already been busted for alcohol possession. You can probably guess what they came to college for. 
I went to two colleges in the U.S. as an undergrad, and they both had the same policy: a dorm room can have alcohol in it ONLY if both residents of the room were 21 or over, and it could be drunk in the room (and ONLY in the room) only if there weren't any visitors to the room 20 or under.
During my first year (my only year at the first college), my desk was literally right by the door, so I often kept the door open when I was sitting at the desk for ventilation and to give me the chance to chat with anyone who walked by. However, I was constantly asking people to stay outside of my room if they had alcohol, since I was only 18... and so were the vast majority of people I had to ask. I didn't care if anyone smoked in the room... with the exception of one person who smoked these terrible tiny cigars that smelled like a tire fire.