Sorry about your experience, Tyler. I guess you got unlucky with your judge. I have yet to serve, but I'll wait for the government to hunt me down to fulfill
that civic duty.
Also, I just wanted to say good-bye to you guys for a little while. I'm not permanently leaving, but I'm having some real-life issues that are making me seem a lot more irritable than I really am. (This explains why I unintentionally bash TWC; I seriously don't mean to, but it just comes across that way.) Now I'm aware of the number of complaints about TWC and all, so my jets will be cooled for future posts. After talking to a friend, he advised me to take a neutral stance on TWC and their changes, and I think that's a good example we can all consider using because TWC is going to change in a way to help its ratings whether we like it or not, and we will have to adapt to the inevitable realities of life. (You know who you are, and I thank you very much for your help.) I may not be an avid fan for much longer, but I hope to be here while I am and visit during my spare time.
Hopefully once junk in my personal life gets better, it will make me a better poster and influence in the TWCT community. Hope to see you guys again soon--probably after I adapt to yet another year of college. I plan to go in with a better attitude this year, and that is the best thing we can do.

Take care, everybody.