I know you all are going to LOVE, LOVE, LOOOOVE this story. Justin Beiber is in my town

This kid is insane. People were flooding the newsroom I work in with pictures of him spotted around town, and even cell phone video. It is REDICULOUS! He got kicked out of Wal Mart because him and his "posse" were riding bikes and throwing balls around. PUNK!
Even wierder (is that a word?

)..my brother's friend's sister (who is 20) is a huge fan of him, so she went down to the hotel he is staying at and tried spotting him. She wasn't alone. The station did a live report from the hotel, and there were like 30 pre-teen/teen girls standing out there screaming for this no-talent kid! Unbelievable!! Anyways, she got invited to go bowling with Justin's back-up singers and dancers..crazy (which it never ended up happening..haha).
They are shutting down streets because of this kid. Absolutely rediculous