March 05, 2025, 11:07:53 PM

Author Topic: Some jackass had enough nerve to rip my video!  (Read 8214 times)

Offline lfmusiclover

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Re: Some jackass had enough nerve to rip my video!
« Reply #45 on: September 20, 2008, 09:32:56 PM »
I don't care what the guy did. Their just videos for pete's sake. I'm getting tired of the constant outbursts because someone did this or that to your videos. anybody to whom this is such a HUUUUGEE matter needs to do the following:

1. Stand up

2. Turn around

3. Walk away from the computer

There's more to life than TWC, TWCC, TWCT, Youtube, and videos. You direly need to find other things to do if these are such huge deals to you.
:clap: :clap:

Also Chris... Why is your signature so long? It really creates a cluttered look.

Yeah Chris, I think you need to shrink that sig banner just a bit.  :yes: