First marking period ends today, current averages for 1st MP as of today:
English 3: 99% A
Spanish 2: 100% A
Math HSPA 3: 93% A
Chemistry: 93% A
US History 2: 89% B
Health 3: 92% A
Special Ed. Study Skills: 97% A
Figures, I was just 1% shy of getting straight A's.
I think it's time I move to higher levels for some of the classes I'm getting really high grades in.
I notice you're in an HSPA prep math class... good luck on them in March! I barely passed the Language Arts section... 4 points lower and I would have been in a remedial course my Senior year... I got an above average in Math with 261... you need 200 to pass, anything above 250 is above average...
For all who don't know what the HSPA is, it's the High School Proficiency Assessment, the NJ graduation requirement test taken as a Junior to see if you're able to pass to graduate. If you fail one or both parts, you're required to take a remedial course and try again in October of your Senior Year. If you fail again, you take it in March. IF you fail again, you won't get a high school diploma and won't graduate. Unless your IEP specifically says you're not required to take it, then you have to. You'll get a certificate of attendance of High School, but you won't get a diploma because you failed. I think that's rather harsh, but still...