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Other => General Discussion => Topic started by: curtjr4 on February 17, 2009, 10:59:50 PM

Title: Possible knee damage?
Post by: curtjr4 on February 17, 2009, 10:59:50 PM
Hey everybody,

Recently my knee has been hurting horribly, especialy when I walk on stairs or run. It hurts really bad right below the knee. Does anyone know what the issue may be? There are some smart people here, so thought that I woud ask here first ;)
Title: Re: Possible knee damage?
Post by: jtmal0723 on February 17, 2009, 11:06:43 PM
Take some ibuprofen and lay off of the knee for a day or two and you'll be fine  :yes:
Title: Re: Possible knee damage?
Post by: curtjr4 on February 17, 2009, 11:12:33 PM
No no no no... You don't get it! It has been hurting for months. I thinki did something during lacrosse or football.
Title: Re: Possible knee damage?
Post by: Anistorm on February 17, 2009, 11:13:48 PM
Have you had your doctor check your knee? If you haven't you should.  :yes:
Title: Re: Possible knee damage?
Post by: curtjr4 on February 17, 2009, 11:17:12 PM
I will try to this week. I need to get an note to excuse me from gym, and all of that. I hope that I didn't damage any cartilage in my knee though!
Title: Re: Possible knee damage?
Post by: Anistorm on February 17, 2009, 11:20:21 PM
I will try to this week. I need to get an note to excuse me from gym, and all of that. I hope that I didn't damage any cartilage in my knee though!
It's the only way in order to prevent any future damage to your knee as it worsens.
He'd probably give you an x-ray on your knee. That's good that you're going to the doctor's this week.
Title: Re: Possible knee damage?
Post by: curtjr4 on February 17, 2009, 11:22:33 PM
I'll try to this week. This may have been the 18th time in about five months this happened, so I finally said screw it, and am jumping to possible conclusions...
Title: Re: Possible knee damage?
Post by: TWCToday on February 18, 2009, 12:18:04 AM
If you ever have joint pain for more than a few days you should really see a doctor. It it was something serious you could have really worsened the injury.
Title: Re: Possible knee damage?
Post by: lfmusiclover on February 18, 2009, 12:37:19 AM
There are ligaments and tendons in the knee which may have been injured. You should definitely have the knee looked at. It could need surgical repair.
Title: Re: Possible knee damage?
Post by: curtjr4 on February 18, 2009, 09:46:58 PM
Well, I've got a schedualed date for the doctor in March. again, the pain is on and off, so I wil be fine if nothing big happens (Eg. I get kicked there, run to much, or climb on enclined surfaces). I jsut need to lay off of the leg as much as possible.
Title: Re: Possible knee damage?
Post by: lfmusiclover on February 18, 2009, 10:26:33 PM
It could be that you initially injured your leg, and every time you feel pain its the original injury being aggravated. Its a good thing you have an appointment with the doctor. Its definitely something that should be checked out.  :yes: