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Author Topic: My good samaritan story...  (Read 1040 times)

Offline TWCJim

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My good samaritan story...
« on: December 05, 2011, 11:14:42 PM »
I had to share this story, so I'll tell you what happened...

Me and my girlfriend, Kaydi, were getting groceries at a local Fred Meyer store here in Spokane. When we got out of our car, there was a young woman, named Stephanie, sitting in the passenger side of her truck parked nearby, crying. She asked us if we had a cell phone or some money for a payphone. She had left her wallet back at home in Deer Park and was low on gasoline and needed to call a relative to go get her wallet.

We felt really bad, and would do anything to help Stephanie. So we ran inside to get some quick groceries, and then came back out and she was still there. I attempted to give her $5 but she told me that we didn't have to do that. Then Kaydi and I talked to her about that it was the least we could do. Then Stephanie accepted and she thanked us for our help. We then told her where the nearest gas station was after she asked us and that she was unfamiliar with the area. She then told us that when she was going into the Fred Meyer prior to us arriving there, she was told that no one was allowed to use the payphones. "People were abusing the payphones, whatever that means," she was told by the workers inside the store.

Stephanie then thanked us again and offered to give her our phone number and pay us back later. We said that she didn't have to worry about that. She then drove her truck to the gas station we mentioned, and we sort of followed her to make sure she got there okay. We certainly hope she was able to reach her relatives, and hopefully her wallet.  ;)

So that's my story. It kinda affected Kaydi and I pretty bad so I had to share it everybody.
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